Wednesday 19 June 2013


Dear students, former students, future students, and ever-evolving English learners,

After having been a teacher for 9 years (has it been that long already?) and more specifically among adults for 5 years, I have come to the conclusion that what is missing the most to all of them is a practical aspect of the language. Of course, in class, we learn new language structures, we try to recognize them in context and then we use them in written and oral practice with other students. But when the class is over, most of the students switch to their native language until they do their homework quickly before the next class begins. Useless to say, once their training is over, most of them forget half of what they have studied, mainly because they don't know how to keep going with their apprenticeship. Which I, of course, feel very sad about, seeing how they struggled and worked to improve their skills in class. 

This blog is dedicated to them, and to English-learners in general, who don't know what to do to keep going. On a regular basis I will post tips, texts, songs, resources, documentaries, exercises, links and ideas for you to continue evolving in your apprenticeship of English, whatever the level (which will be specified each time)

On the other hand, this blog will also function as an e-platform for my classes, to invite my students to go further in specific points than they can in the framework of the classroom, or to publish some of their works (with their consent, of course).

Finally, this blog will allow me to continue holding the hands of those of my former students who still need it a bit, as I cannot always follow them after my classes and always wonder how they are doing with their skills

I don't know exactly what will become of this place, but I wish it to go well and to be a support to all as it will probably be to me, to keep the passion of English alive and kicking :)

So Welcome and Enjoy!


  1. Hi everyone. I will start to improve my English to have it alive and kicking, right now! Thanks Jessica
